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Experimental treatments

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Application rate, kg per ha Application method
MAP + urea Acron NPK 19-16-8+7SO3 + urea NPK + urea N19P16K8 + N120 Pre-sowing and twice during the vegetation period

Field trials

Yield, t per ha
Acron NPK ensures the best plant nutrition generating consistently higher yields
Weight of 1,000 grains, g
The optimal shape of prilled NPKS contributes to high grain plumpness
Net return
Acron fertilisers generate higher profits compared to traditional fertilisers

Nutrition system

Fertiliser Application rate, kg per ha
Pre-sowing Sowing 4–5 leaves stage
NPK 19-16-8+7SO3 100-150
Urea 130-150 130-150

Reference fertilisers

Fully water-soluble
NPK 19-16-8+7SO₃
NPK 19-16-8+7SO₃
Contains most important nutrients in each granule

Other trials in Argentina

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